What is the Diabetes-Friendly Pantry Rx?
The Diabetes-Friendly Food Pantry Rx was designed as a tool for dietitians, Certified Diabetes Educators (CDE) and healthcare providers to personalize as they counsel their food-insecure patients with diabetes. People can take this pocket-sized card with them to the food pantry or grocery store using the list to guide them in healthful food recommendations.

Are there meal ideas for the Diabetes-Friendly Pantry Rx items?
Yes! In addition to building healthy pantry shelves, the items on this list are made into recipes that are available in English or Spanish. Healthy Shelves recipes are made with a stove, oven, microwave or crockpot using less than ten everyday ingredients. Approved by chefs, pantry clients and following the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, all recipes are low in salt, added sugar and saturated fat.
Is the Rx card only for food-insecure patients?
The Diabetes-Friendly Food Pantry Rx can be used by anyone for assistance at grocery stores, food pantries, or when meal planning.
What food pantry resources can I give to my patients?
Impact 2-1-1 connects people to community services such as food pantries. Visit https://211wisconsin.communityos.org for more information. You can also contact your local Health Department or UW-Extension office. Other resources to find food pantries include:
Printing Pantry Rx Cards
Print cards on standard 8.5 by 11 inch paper in an office by using the PDF file above. Once printed, fold the page in half along the long edge with the print on the outside. Then, with the food list in the middle, fold the page in half along the long edge. This will create a 4.25 by 5.5 inch folded card.
Requesting Pantry Rx Cards
Order printed copies of the Diabetes-Friendly Food Pantry Rx cards by emailing the National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsin at info@kidneywi.org. Please include:
- Organization name
- Contact name and email address
- Quantity of cards requested
- Mailing address to send the cards
- How they will be used to help food-insecure people with diabetes in the community
About Healthy Shelves
Healthy Shelves is a community partnership between:
Together, these organizations are dedicated to supporting the nutritional health of food-insecure individuals living with diabetes, heart and/or kidney disease.